The one who desire for brilliance and splendor , he should offer his libations to east , the side
is the one for brilliance and splendor. With this one will acquire brilliance and grandeur. The
one who desires food should offer to the southern quarter as agni the lord consumes all the
food and nourishes , thus by conquering southern one should be lord of food and consumes
and nourishes himself and from his offspring also in future. [The mention of the eastern
quarter is the seat of wisdom in one's body and with wisdom one conquers the subtle
existence. the wisdom should be splendid for perceiving the deeper subtle worlds and their
dynamics. The southern quarter of one in the internal sense is the agni chakra where all food
is consumed by agni and here agni is the lord of the food. In turn this nourishes the one who
consumes and hence he also becomes the lord of the food by conquering this quarter and he
can create offspring of healthy nature] The one who desires for cattle should turn west and
with libations of fore offerings, the water is cattle,he understands and acquire the cattle. [with
this offering , one understand the tatwa of water and its the swadistana which is associated
with the animal instinct in humans]. Now the one who desires the drinking of soma should
offer his libations to the north as he is the king of the north. he thus obtains the soma to drink
and thus turns north, the upward region. the upward region is the heaven and in all the four
quarters he ascend and progress [ thus the primeval instincts are understood and cleansed and
one drinks the elixir of divine delight , the soma and ascends to the higher lands of heaven].
These worlds are turned towards one another. [The subtle body has heaven associated with
the anahata. Aditi , vishnupathi is the seated in the heart. The creation starts there and reaches
back from all the directions and dissolves back there. The secret of fivefold sacrifice.];the
world turns towards him shines with prosperity, who knows this.
For the path , he says the offering verse (to Aditi) [here he begins his journey] in the
beginning of the sacrifice he brings in the speech , Agni is the expiration (out breath and in
the last moment of life , its the final out breath which celebrates death.. :)) ) [Here the subtle
level is addressed. Agni carries the out breath which contains all that to be left behind in the
subtle level back to the nature] and the Soma is the inspiration [ the root of delight is with the
intake of breath , the prana and the revelation to the secret communion and receiving it fully]
, the Savitr facilitates the forward urge [Savitr is the transcending force which facilitates the
ascent] and Aditi for support [ the ascent needs binding as every out breath can result in the
lowering of energy levels. So soma is guided by savitr to the level which is supported by
Aditi and then the out breath of Agni will cleanse the next level to ascend and the process
goes on]. With confidence , he says the offering verse to path , and thus with this speech he
brings forth the sacrifice to the path. [ if you observe carefully , what we mentioned above is
the breathing act. As humans we do it involuntarily which makes it a path from life to death ,
from first in breath , to last out breath. Here by truthfully offering his verse to the path, one
changes his awareness from normal breathing to subtle breathing which includes divine
participation of subtle forces,the devas]. Agni and Soma are the eyes , Savitr brings forth the
forward urge and Aditi the support. The gods detect the sacrifice with the eyes, with those
eyes with which they detect which cannot be detected. Even after a man thus wandering in
confusion , he perceives with this eye , he immediately detects. [The normal eyes cannot see
the divine presence. its the perception that is blessed when the ordinary sight is replaced by
sights of Soma and Agni, divine eyes.Then one sees the devas and becomes one with the gods
discerning his sacrifice]
By the eyes the god they distinguishes the sacrifice and it will not be distinguished if the
consecrated one do not have the same vision. Thus after wandering in confusion , he
perceives than sees , then the sacrifice is being distinguished by him. The gods also
distinguishes the sacrifice then , they assemble together and the sacrifice get extended to from
earth , where its performed. the gods are gathered together for aditi in the earth. Thus he says
the offering verse to aditi in the closure of the sacrifice , with which the distinguishing of the
sacrifice happens and thus the he got revealed the heaven. [ Here the gods are being
visualized by the perception which one gets as replacement of his mortal sight. This
perception comes with the verses and their subtle working with intonations. Firm routed on
earth and get the aditi as the base on the subtle level, a hotr invokes the guardians of the
various directions and take their strength ,garner the strengths and then with the closure of
sacrifice with aditi in the elevated level with strong support of savitr, once changes his
position to a new offset of existence from where he can visualize the heavens.... :)) ]
to be continued .... :)) [A.B -8 concludes here]