In the beginning after consecration, the consecrated perform the sacrifice which is
introductory sacrifice. This ascends him to heaven as the sacrifice is expanding type in itself.
This sacrifice is ideally an expiration (out breathing) [one shackles the bondage of life with
the last out breath] , its the hotr ( the rigvedi priest among ritvij) who is common for the
expiration. He arranges the breaths for the discrimination of the same [the special ratios of
breath with chants are to be adhered for the successful completion of this, this can be adjusted
by the way in which chanting can be done]. The sacrifice went away from the gods, the gods
could do nothing and they could not discern it. [a calculated breath pattern and intonations are
to be adhered else one cannot connect it to the gods]. The gods said to Aditi "through you let
us perceive this in subtle levels" , Aditi said " you can , provided you all give me a boon" the
gods said " choose the boon" Aditi said " the sacrifices should begin and end with me". the
gods agreed. [ Aditi is the goddess of infinity , the out breath once happened resonates in the
infinite space , it begins and ends with this . let me stretch it to Taittiriya Samhita of Yajur
Veda for the ritualistic aspects. in TS[] ; she is addressed Vishnupatni , the one who
does the governance of everything and the power of Vishnu, the highest among gods as per
A.B 1, and on her governance and energy , this sacrifice is conducted from beginning to end.
:)) ] . So the first pap is offered to Aditi and the last one too which concludes the sacrifice for
the boon she has chosen. With the boon she blessed the consecrated one " through me , you
understand the eastern quarter, through agni the south , through soma the west and through
savitr the north". [This is the secretive detail of the path one takes from being consecrated to
door steps of heaven]