The offering verse for the Pathya[ RV 10.63.15 and 16][the verses mentioned are on the
nourishment of the earth. In subtle level or antaryaga concepts, the fire rests on the agni
chakra well routed on the manipuraka which represents the element earth. The fire which is
on the south is the one who conquers the anthariksha loka, which is the second loka, after
prithvi loka where the consecrated sits. :))] is performed and hence the sun rises in the east
for the beginning and sets in the west at the end [this is the cycle of sacrifice, with fire
representing the elemental form of sun]. Now he offers to Agni [RV 1.189.1 and RV 10.2.3]
[the plants and its primordial growth is representing the subtle element of growth with one
level of awareness;the expansive nature of agni which is fixed on the earth , kindled itself and
grow accepting the offerings and expand to higher realms] , with the offering , the plants ripe
first from the south. The plants are connected to Agni. Now he chants the offering verses of
Soma [RV 1.91.1, RV 1.91.4] , for the westward flowing rivers as the water is connected to
with soma [the verses mentioned considers soma connected to water, this is the second level
of subtle existence, the swadhistana. The verses mention of all the forefathers with which one
is created and this subtle centre is responsible for progeny. soma the god of delight has been
invoked to know this centre beyond all limitations] . Now he says the offering verses [R.V
10.82.7] [here this verse glorifies about the pure heart of one, the heart which is not eclipsed
by absence of knowledge of creator; the maya. In subtle level, this is the verse that extends to
the anahata chakra , the seat of heart and the ride for the consecrated or ascent is made
possible by the blow of air(element associated with the chakra) instigated by savitr] to Savitr ,
with which one blows towards north west , the blows instigated with Savitr.