The basic notion of rig vedic society emphasize on three level of existence for every human being. They are external , internal and cosmic.
The external level is where we conduct our so called normal life. In this normal life everyone should live with abiding the vedic karmas. The vedic karmas are basically classified into two
1) Samaskara oriented ( as per grihya sutras)
2) Yajna oriented ( as per shruti and smriti)
the samaskara oriented life revolves around the purifying , cultivating and augmenting samaskaras. The purifying samaskaras are discussed more in depth in Atharva Veda (as this veda more dealt on the external
existences , manifestations and mantra shastra etc) and there
are 8 in number.
1) Garbandhana
2) Punsavana
3) Simantonnayana
4) Jata karma
5) Namakarana
6) Nishkramana
7) Anna prashana
8) Chaula karma
the cultivating samaskaras are 8 in number. they are
1) karnavedha
2) Upanayana
3) Vratadesha
4) Veda swadhyaya
5) Keshanta
6) Snanam
7) Vivaha or Panigrahana
8) Agni Panigraha
the augmenting samaskaras are 5 in number. they are
1) sharira shuddhi
2) dravya shuddhi
3) agha shuddhi
4) enah shuddhi
5) bhava shuddhi
when the samaskaras are discussed upon we can find that most of them were part of the society. But some are meant for the external state of being connected to the internal and cosmic existences as bridge.
So there is a flexibility in this aspect. Those which are societal can be pursued by any human being if he/she likes. but there are some which are mandatory which brings in the all round progress and better living for the humans beings. this has to be adhered for a higher life.
dear all , i have mentioned on the three types of samaskaras and the possibility of individual choices, now i will outline the mandatory everyone have to practice. In the purifying samaskaras , the Namakarana (naming
ceremony ) and the anna prashana (rite of the first solid food for the kid) have to be adhered mandatory.
In the cultivating samaskaras , the Upanayana ( the sacred thread ceremony , various colors for the various castes), Vratadesha ( the ceremony of enabling the student to learn vedas observing holy practices) , Veda Swadhyaya ( learning vedas and literature), vivaha( marriage) and agni panigraha (the ceremony of installing the fire in the house by the marriedcouple)
In Augmenting samaskaras , all of them have to be adhered.
I will briefly explain on the meaning of the augmenting samskaras mentioned earlier.
sharira shuddhi - purification of body and practicing holy bath to bring in additional energy to set the mental and physical faculties active at its best.
dravya shuddhi - consecration of the articles one uses , any incoming wealth being consecrated by distributing a part of it to satwic activities as donation. also food being cooked with atmost care as anna being the source of prana should be freed of possible impurities of all nature, utensils etc.
agha shuddhi - purification of body and mind after attending a funeral rite. the effect of this can be on subtle body even. so one has to purify in all aspects.
enah shuddhi - purification of new arrivals and departures in the family. as family is considered as an ecosystem.
bhava shuddhi - purification of mental and spiritual levels.The mind is constant activity in the external world also for a human being. this depletes the spiritual and mental wattage in him/her . so this should be considered as a rebuilding process.
Dear all , with the discussions on the essential samaskaras , lets move on to the external life in more specific way. Every human being is unique. Its been mentioned that every one has one unique skill which makes them different from others , which with least efforts will bring the purusharthas. Usually skills which are like singing , painting etc get easily identified in persons. but the majority finds it difficult to understand whats unique in them. This can be identified by a competent guru.
Thus the external life led with this identified skill , collectively with the vedic practices adhered ; will build the bridge to the cosmic and internal levels of existences. The internal existence is the understanding of the subtle nature. The subtle body , the faculties , the subtle senses etc. The vedas when we look into the corpus , we find that the literal meaning is very beautiful. the words and the concepts when read by anyone focused in
external life only ; appear splendid. But vedic corpus , has two more levels of existences than beautiful poetry. for eg : one among that is the multilevel existence of deity.
Lets explain this with one deity being taken as eg, say Indra. Indra is the king of devas and he is praised beautifully in various hymns. But in the internal level , Indra is the mind.and when with this understanding when one looks into the hymns a new meaning comes into form. When indra is invoked with the correct intonations as per the correct procedure , he is perceived in the cosmic level.
The correct set of procedures and the underlying sankalpa for each invocation is understood primarily through the brahmana texts.
Thus a complete life is possible with the understanding , practice and deployment of vedas as per one's life in the three realms. Yagna oriented vedic karma comes as a tool for the success all the three levels. With this prelude , let me start with the Aitareya Brahmana.
The external level is where we conduct our so called normal life. In this normal life everyone should live with abiding the vedic karmas. The vedic karmas are basically classified into two
1) Samaskara oriented ( as per grihya sutras)
2) Yajna oriented ( as per shruti and smriti)
the samaskara oriented life revolves around the purifying , cultivating and augmenting samaskaras. The purifying samaskaras are discussed more in depth in Atharva Veda (as this veda more dealt on the external
existences , manifestations and mantra shastra etc) and there
are 8 in number.
1) Garbandhana
2) Punsavana
3) Simantonnayana
4) Jata karma
5) Namakarana
6) Nishkramana
7) Anna prashana
8) Chaula karma
the cultivating samaskaras are 8 in number. they are
1) karnavedha
2) Upanayana
3) Vratadesha
4) Veda swadhyaya
5) Keshanta
6) Snanam
7) Vivaha or Panigrahana
8) Agni Panigraha
the augmenting samaskaras are 5 in number. they are
1) sharira shuddhi
2) dravya shuddhi
3) agha shuddhi
4) enah shuddhi
5) bhava shuddhi
when the samaskaras are discussed upon we can find that most of them were part of the society. But some are meant for the external state of being connected to the internal and cosmic existences as bridge.
So there is a flexibility in this aspect. Those which are societal can be pursued by any human being if he/she likes. but there are some which are mandatory which brings in the all round progress and better living for the humans beings. this has to be adhered for a higher life.
dear all , i have mentioned on the three types of samaskaras and the possibility of individual choices, now i will outline the mandatory everyone have to practice. In the purifying samaskaras , the Namakarana (naming
ceremony ) and the anna prashana (rite of the first solid food for the kid) have to be adhered mandatory.
In the cultivating samaskaras , the Upanayana ( the sacred thread ceremony , various colors for the various castes), Vratadesha ( the ceremony of enabling the student to learn vedas observing holy practices) , Veda Swadhyaya ( learning vedas and literature), vivaha( marriage) and agni panigraha (the ceremony of installing the fire in the house by the marriedcouple)
In Augmenting samaskaras , all of them have to be adhered.
I will briefly explain on the meaning of the augmenting samskaras mentioned earlier.
sharira shuddhi - purification of body and practicing holy bath to bring in additional energy to set the mental and physical faculties active at its best.
dravya shuddhi - consecration of the articles one uses , any incoming wealth being consecrated by distributing a part of it to satwic activities as donation. also food being cooked with atmost care as anna being the source of prana should be freed of possible impurities of all nature, utensils etc.
agha shuddhi - purification of body and mind after attending a funeral rite. the effect of this can be on subtle body even. so one has to purify in all aspects.
enah shuddhi - purification of new arrivals and departures in the family. as family is considered as an ecosystem.
bhava shuddhi - purification of mental and spiritual levels.The mind is constant activity in the external world also for a human being. this depletes the spiritual and mental wattage in him/her . so this should be considered as a rebuilding process.
Dear all , with the discussions on the essential samaskaras , lets move on to the external life in more specific way. Every human being is unique. Its been mentioned that every one has one unique skill which makes them different from others , which with least efforts will bring the purusharthas. Usually skills which are like singing , painting etc get easily identified in persons. but the majority finds it difficult to understand whats unique in them. This can be identified by a competent guru.
Thus the external life led with this identified skill , collectively with the vedic practices adhered ; will build the bridge to the cosmic and internal levels of existences. The internal existence is the understanding of the subtle nature. The subtle body , the faculties , the subtle senses etc. The vedas when we look into the corpus , we find that the literal meaning is very beautiful. the words and the concepts when read by anyone focused in
external life only ; appear splendid. But vedic corpus , has two more levels of existences than beautiful poetry. for eg : one among that is the multilevel existence of deity.
Lets explain this with one deity being taken as eg, say Indra. Indra is the king of devas and he is praised beautifully in various hymns. But in the internal level , Indra is the mind.and when with this understanding when one looks into the hymns a new meaning comes into form. When indra is invoked with the correct intonations as per the correct procedure , he is perceived in the cosmic level.
The correct set of procedures and the underlying sankalpa for each invocation is understood primarily through the brahmana texts.
Thus a complete life is possible with the understanding , practice and deployment of vedas as per one's life in the three realms. Yagna oriented vedic karma comes as a tool for the success all the three levels. With this prelude , let me start with the Aitareya Brahmana.