Here are a set of sacred texts authored by a highly evolved being who chooses to stay anonymous. All documents made available here contain sacred verses which are to be solely read for their spiritual richness, depth and for the purpose of gaining awareness and understanding. They are not meant for practice, except under the guidance of a master.

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Consecration Sacrifice AB-5

5. The gayatri verses [RV 3.11.2 and RV.3.11.1] are for invitation , invocation and offering.
the result of the verses are the bestowing of splendor and brilliance. Ushnih verses [RV
1.79.4 and 5] are with he should for who desires for long life ( living here means complete
awareness of life in all living days) Anushtup verses [RV 1.45.1 and 2] are those who desires
for heaven , the two anustup ; we have the 64 syllables , three worlds are each 21 subtle
levels stretching upwards. with each 21 verses one mounts the worlds , which means 21x3
=63 syllables and then with the last syllable one supports in the world of heaven. this is the
power which one get knowing the subtle essence of anushtup. :). Brhati verses [RV 7.16.1
and 3] provides with prosperity and glory. he should now use the verses, this will always
enjoy prosperity both external and internal. Pankti verses [RV 5.6.1 and 2] are used by those
who desires the sacrifice. the sacrifice is five fold he should use this verses now for achieving
the same. Trishtup verses [RV 1.95.1 and 2] provides with strength , force , power etc ; he
should use the verses now for the same . Jagathi [RV 5.11.1 and 2] verses are for those who
desire cattle and he should use this verses now for the same. Viraj verses [ RV 7.1.3 and 18]
should he use for proper food and he should now use the verses for the same.
the verses are used for external and subtle consecration.